"The skies twist and thunder roars, signaling the coming of the ancient creature, and the dawn of true power"
moja: motif post nih? ntah la........
Ini mlm mari kite reramai celikkan mata pasal pagi nih Liverpool lwn AC Milan, final Champions League. Nampaknye terpaksa la aku sokong AC Milan pasal Arsenal dah out awal2 lagi (ini bukan belot tau). Agak2 korang la sape yg menang? Pepehal pon jgn lupe tgk. Tak tau bile? Haaa.......korang tgk info kat bwh nih.
Liverpool vs AC Milan
0200 am, 26/05/05
moja: Liverpool musti kalahnyer Pearl. Baik ko join aku sokong AC Milan. hahahahahahaha

Ade sesape penah baca comic nih? Kalo korang kipas-susah-mati Wolverine........menipu la kalo korang tak tau pasal comic nih. Btw.....kalo korang nak tau, harga comic nih skang kat US ialah US$ 300 utk setiap keping. So kalo korang ader kesemua series, pastu korang jual.......korang akan dapat US$ 1800 (+/- RM 5,400). Tapi reger nih utk comic original je tau, bukan Tradepaper Pack (TP). Cuba korang bayangkan......korang beli ngan reger RM 12 sekeping ( RM 72 utk 6 keping) tp korang dapat jual balik dgn reger RM 5,400. Mmg berbaloi kan?
moja: Sebenarnye aku menyesal giler pasal tak beli comic nih waktu dier memule kluar dulu. hu hu hu hu hu
Patience ( Guns N Roses )Shed a tear 'cause I'm missin' you
I'm still alright to smile
Girl, I think about you every day now
Was a time when I wasn't sure
But you set my mind at ease
There is no doubt
You're in my heart now
Said, woman, take it slow
It'll work itself out fine
All we need is just a little patience
Said, sugar, make it slow
And we come together fine
All we need is just a little patience (patience)
Mm, yeah
I sit here on the stairs'
Cause I'd rather be alone
If I can't have you right now
I'll wait, dear
Sometimes I get so tense
But I can't speed up the time
But you know, love
There's one more thing to consider
Said, woman, take it slow
And things will be just fine
You and I'll just use a little patience
Said, sugar, take the time'
Cause the lights are shining bright
You and I've got what it takes
To make it, We won't fake it,
I'll never break it'cause I can't take it
Little patience, mm yeah, mm yeah
Need a little patience, yeah just a little patience,
Yeah some more patience,
Yeah need some patience, Yeah could use some patience, Yeah gotta have some patience,
Yeah all it takes is patience, just a little patience is all you need
* I been walkin' the streets at night
Just tryin' to get it right
Hard to see with so many around
you know I dont like being stuck in the crowd
and the streets dont change but baby the name
I ain't got time for the game 'cause I need you
Yeah, yeah, but I need you ooo, I need you
Whoa, I need you ooo, All this time **
In memories:
(1982 - 2005)
moja: This song 4 ya long. Rest in peace coz u deserved it dude.......